Cypress is a tool specially made for testing. So using cypress for web scraping does not look like a good usage case. Maybe there are better tools like python beautifulsoup, or puppeteer. But let’s break things and try to scrape Maroon 5 songs lyrics and save them in a file.

Let’s try this spec to visit the Google search page and type some Maroon 5 songs titles. Then we can capture the text and save it to file. There is no need to use nodejs writefile command because Cypress comes with the command cy.Writefile(). We take advantage of the fact that the HTML source code is pretty consistent no matter the song title and the language it is written in.

const songs = Cypress.env('maroonSongs');

describe('View Maroon 5 songs', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
    for (let song of songs) {
        it('Google search', () => {

            cy.get('[jsname="WbKHeb"]').within(($val) => {
                cy.get('[jsname="YS01Ge"]').each(($el, index, $lista) => {
                    let linea = $el.text() + '\n';
                    cy.writeFile(`${song.filename}`, linea, { flag: 'a+' });

The list of songs and the files to store them are defined in cypress.json:

    "env": {
        "maroonSongs": [
            {"name": "girls like you lyrics", "filename": "girls.txt"},
            {"name": "she will Be Loved lyrics", "filename": "shewill.txt"},
            {"name": "moves like Jagger lyrics", "filename": "jagger.txt"}

After running the script we get three files with the right content:

- girls.txt
- jagger.txt
- shewill.txt

A use case for this kind of web scraper is to get data to train a natural language processing model using Tensorflow or any other NLP tool.